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Monday, July 27, 2009

Giant Cupcake

Giant Cupcake
Originally uploaded by sarahenrycakes
Who wants icing? This cake has it.
There is a shaped pan that you can buy to create this giant cupcake, but I decided to do it the hard way and save some money.
I used 2 eight inch pans and one 6 inch pan for the cakes and stacked them up to be carved to the right shape. Unfortunately there were some places where it needed filling in rather than carving, so I added carved off pieces of cake back on. But really in the end you cant see all that. The pink icing does a great job of hiding my construction.
The cake was for a good friend of mine who's daughter was turning two. Originally she had planned to make regular sized cupcakes herself for all the guests, but time and circumstances prevented that so she asked me to step in. Of course I was glad to do it.

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