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Sunday, May 30, 2010

A Topsy Turvey month

In the span of one months time I ended up making three Topsy Turvey cakes. I became very confident in the construction of them. I used to believe that the cake had to be very dense in order to not fall apart when carving it and so that it can support itself when stacked, but really this is not the case.
The first TT was the Casino cake and I used alternating layers of vanilla and chocolate pound cake. I was trying out a new (to me) recipe for the vanilla pound which tastes absolutely wonderful, but was a hassle to make. The density of made it take forever to bake and once it was completely baked through the outside was very crusty. Good thing I was carving it off.
When I made the Abstract TT, since I knew that it did not have to travel very far, I decided to used my easiest vanilla cake recipe, which is light and moist. Carving it and icing it was not that much more difficult than using pound cake. I was also not covering it in fondant as there are so many people who really prefer to leave it off since it doesn't have the greatest taste. It made it to the party perfectly fine and everyone loved it; the look and the taste.
Finally, since it made my life that much easier, I did the same with the Dots and Stripes TT. Everyone seemed to want vanilla cakes that month. Again with this cake there is no fondant decorations. It makes it a little harder to get really smooth edges on the designs, but it does make the cutting of the cake much easier as well as making the taste nicer. Another good point to make is that the cakes are much lighter in overall weigh when there is no fondant, making carrying so much easier.
It was certainly a busy time for me, and now I must really slow down. My baby girl is due in under 4 weeks, and I do still have a couple more cakes to make before she comes. I think that is she does happen to come early, the people who the cakes are for will likely understand why I can`t get the cake finished. Think so?

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